About Us
The Staff
We have an awesome, fun, warm and welcoming group here at Samantha's!
I'm very proud of my staff and thankful for the continued support to provide great food and service!
We always look forward to new additions to our Samantha's Family as we grow to serve more customers!

Heidi Kiefer

Discover The Story
Hello, My name is Heidi Kiefer and I am the proud owner of four Samantha's Restaurant locations throughout Stark County, Ohio. I've worked in the restaurant industry for 25+ years, actually, starting as a hostess at my original location not knowing that I would one day own it; in fact, on my first day, at 19 years old, I remember thinking that I would not be there much longer than a week. Here I am still working in that same building every day, loving what I do, and providing great food and service to our supportive customers!
Samantha's Sunny Corner on Hills and Dales Road in Canton, OH is the original Samantha's location established in 1991. I worked as a hostess, server, and manager of the location for several years, and when the opportunity emerged, I purchased Samantha's Sunny Corner in 2001. Shortly after, in 2002, I opened my second location in Downtown Canton, Samantha's Downtown Restaurant. It made sense to carry through the 'Samantha' name as the original location was so successful and well known for providing great service and food! We stay true to that great reputation and, since there really is no 'Samantha,''s always great when people say they know her!
Samantha's Frontier Restaurant located in Hartville, OH opened in 2017, and my fourth location, Samantha's Grill, opened in October of 2019. Samantha's Grill is very unique and special to me as its located in the small town of Louisville, OH where I lived for 18 years and raised my children, Alexandria and Jacob Adams. Additionally, this location has my personal touch from top to bottom as I practically re-built it from the ground up with a complete remodel. I would like to say a huge 'Thank you' to Louisville and the surrounding communities for the amazing welcome and continued support when unprecedented times forced us to close our doors to dine-in customers only shortly after opening them.
I'm very thankful for our supportive customers! I love what I do, and I could not do it without YOU! When you arrive at any of our warm and welcoming locations we hope to get to know you by name in addition of course to serving you the best food in town! All of our locations serve breakfast and lunch, and the Grill features a bar and dinner menu as well. Samantha's Downtown will also be moving and expanding soon to offer dinner and spirits! We will remain in Downtown Canton close to the new Centennial Center; stay tuned for our Grand re-opening as Samantha's Downtown Kitchen & Spirits!
In short, I am sure happy I stayed that first week!
I look forward to seeing you soon!